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Combined Calendar

This page demonstrates the ability to import external calendars and combine multiple calendars on one page.  The individual calendars are color coded here so you get a visual indication of the source of events.  When you click on the event in this list you will be taken to the originating website.


  • Fred's Used Websites
  • Loveland Partnership Events
  • Loveland Local Events
  • Alternatives to Violence

09/13/24 6:00 PM MDT - 09/14/24 6:00 PM MDT (1 dy)
Pastels on 5th, 503 N. Lincoln Ave. , Loveland, CO 80537

Pastels is a community wide event in which artists, businesses and downtown Loveland come together to transform 5th Street into a spectacular sidewalk gallery. This is a free, family friendly, community wide sidewalk chalk art event designed to highlight the thriving Loveland arts community.

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09/30/24 6:01 PM MDT - 10/30/24 6:01 PM MDT (4 wks 2 dys)

All of October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the first Day of Unity observed in October, 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was and is to call on the public on a local, state and national level to advocate for victims and work toward ending violence against women and their children.

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