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Animate Image Widget

Bryce Canyon Photos


Using a combination of our Server Widgets and javascript animations you can easily create small or large picture animations on your webpages.  These animations simply rotate through a set of images you upload and provide various transitions.

The amimation to the right contains images from beautiful Bryce Canyon in Utah. The transiton between images is a bit unusual in that it grows the new image of the last but appears elastic as it overshoots the final size and settles into place.  I placed this inside a shadow box for emphasis.

Bryce Canyon

The one directly to the left has the same image set but a fade-over transition and simply placed on the page without any type of box around it.  Even though we are using the same images, I can set different transitions and times.

You can easily do this yourself on your website hosted with us.  Simply select a spot on your page you wish to place an animation, click on the Edit Server Widget button and select Animated Image, set specifics for your animation including a folder where you will upload files to display, then add your files.  The widget will display all the files in that folder and you can add/remove images anytime without going back to the Edit Server Widget dialog!

More transitions








