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Welcome: Guest


Welcome to our guestbook page!  This page demonstrates a feature of our websites where your website visitors are able to post something that will eventually become public on your site.  The main intent is to serve as an example of this feature and allow you to see how your visitors might experience signing a guestbook or testimonial page on your site.

But hey, if you want to say someting nice, we will go ahead and post your message!

April 24th, 2009

Hey!  Pretty cool ... we just asked if a guestbook was possible, and the next thing you know ... BAM ... Fred builds one.  You're awesome.

Rob LeVine
Antlers GM

April 23rd, 2009

I want to say something BIG

I want to say something in Bold

Now italic


April 23rd, 2009

Wow -  uploading that photo took about 10 seconds max, and that's because I had to find it on my  hard drive.  Good Job, Fred!  This feature IS easy to use.  (BTW, I did not have Fred watching over my shoulder - I figured it out myself.)

Mktg. & Cutomer Service

April 22nd, 2009

Uploaded Image

Now I am trying out the photo upload feature, just to make certain it is easy as we hope it is! 

Mktg. & Cutomer Service

April 22nd, 2009

This feature seems easy and self-explanatory.

Mktg. & Cutomer Service

April 22nd, 2009

Uploaded Image

This is our guestbook feature. It can be used for that, to get testimonials, or any other reason you may want to collect public feedback that will be posted publicly.   You have the option to permit your guests to upload a photo, use our html editor to post formatted text or just provide a text input box, and you will be able to review every posting before it goes live on your site.


Fred's Used Websites